I rant about govt offices as I see a lot of inefficiency in the way transactions are done. In fairness, for the past 7 years that I worked, I noticed that there has been some improvement in the processes but still a lot more needs to be done. One such process is the renewal of the NBI clearance.
As part of the pre-employment requirements, I had to process the renewal of my NBI clearance again. I know that NBI has already made this process easier through kiosks in Malls and availability of satellite offices in select city halls in Metro Manila. However, I discovered a few years ago that I have a criminal namesake due to a hit in the NBI records list. This caused me to wait for a week to get my clearance unlike the usual no-hit names who can get it within the same day of application. The last time I took this was in QC city hall.
This time, my dad attempted to renew me in SM Megamall. The day he applied for my renewal, he was able to do step1-2. That is payment of the fee and the quick search. From the quick search they will let you know whether you have a common name which will most likely have a hit or you can proceed to step 3 which is verification. Mind you that the quick search is only a manual check of the officer (no checking with a database / computer).
After step 2, my dad was told that I will have to process the succeeding steps personally as my name is common and will most likely have a hit. They will also need to take my picture. The problem was that I was in the office that day (in Makati) and they said that the receipt is valid only on that day. My Dad called me on the phone to let me know that I have to finish the renewal within the day or I would have to pay again on another day. He clarified what time the kiosk in Megamall will close. They said 6:30 so my dad and I arranged to meet there around 5.
On my way to Megamall on the bus, my dad called again to tell me he's already in Megamall and the NBI kiosk is closed (it was only 4:30pm)! A note says that they closed early since they ran out of receipts (wtf)! And to think that it's supposed to be a service-oriented government office.
I got pissed that they had to close early when there are other transactions being done there aside from payment of fees. I decided to go directly to the NBI clearance center in Carriedo (near LRT) on another day to complete the process. In fact, this was what I was supposed to do from step3 onwards. It was indicated in the stamp on my receipt. My dad should not have listened to the NBI employees in Megamall, they only confused him. I did not have to go back there and I do not even have to do that on the same day.
I went early to NBI Carriedo for step3 onwards and although the lines were long, the processing was quick. I was able to finish in 15 mins. As usual, I would have to come back the next day since I have a hit which is a great improvement from before where I had to wait for a week.
The next day I was able to claim my clearance in 5 mins. I would have commended NBI Carriedo for the fast and efficient service, but I am disappointed that there's no one manning the NBI clearance renewal card booth. I was looking forward to getting this as it will allow me to renew the next time more conveniently in malls via ATM type kiosks and get the renewal within minutes even if you have a criminal namesake.